Jason Stapleton and I discuss the art of the side hustle.
Hint: it starts small…
Are you the type that wants to make a little sumpin sumpin on the side? I have always been that way too. It was an honor to talk once again with Jason Stapleton about how to do it and the great benefits of being a creative people that follow our talents to new heights.
Join Jason, myself, and thousands of other entrepreneurs on the Nomad Network for free.
Just click this link and sign up:
Wow, this was a great time!
Go check out this hour where Bruce, DJ and I talk about the #NomedNetwork, and what is has meant to us as well as how to create your own liberty starting with changing your Mindset.
The weathered Soul Podcast:
Their YouTube is: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFypgX0ufAKF3VYzYdP74Ew/featured
One of my very favorite podcasts is “Because We Make” with Vincent Ferrari and Ethan Carter.
Back in July 2021, I had the honor of being a guest on the program. Here’s a link to listen…you will be hooked!!!

In the course of opening my big mouth too much, I have had the opportunity to be on some great shows! Here links to some of the shows and podcasts I have contributed to that will get your motor running.
Check out this long-form, two-episode interview I did with Amy and Rico from the Apprenticeship Diaries. This one may not be for the kiddos, but we had a blast talking about life as a creative!

Bob Davis is a friend with an incredible podcast chronicling his fully nomadic lifestyle.
What can I say…its Jason Stapleton! The show is top-notch and I am glad to be part of the “Nomadic Network” for all the info check out his site: https://jasonstapleton.com/
Tom Woods gave me a great shout out at the end of this show…
I am on the air with Paulie Spit on KSIZ99.9.com every Tuesday at 8:05 Am CST as well as live segments from various car shows and events! Check it out here: https://ksizsizzlin999.com/
Danny and I had a great chat about surviving the business and art world through Covid